Monday, November 11, 2013

November Update

Its finally November.  Koda has not developed anymore bald spots and his spot is now starting to grow back in,  just in time for him to have school pictures tomorrow.  He is also now on meds for ADHD. He was started on 10mg, he should immediate improvements but was still fidgety and excitable.  So he was upped to 18mg, nearly doubled! I was worried it would be way to much and I didn't want Koda to be a zombie. But thankfully this seems to be the perfect dose. He came home with a perfect spelling test 2 wks in a row now. He is so proud of himself  and doing really good now. His speech also seems to be doing better as well.

Anyways, here are some pictures over the last couple of months
Girls in the play yard

Koda and Vannah catching ducks

Duck got revenge and pooped all over Vannah
First snow of the year

Hard boiled eggs in the spirit of Halloween!

A Southern Belle

A very cute Cleopatra
All three together before Trick or Treat

Vannah discovered an issue with hoop skirts

Monday, September 16, 2013

The bald spot

 Poor Koda woke up the other day and I noticed he had a bald spot.

So I immediately called grandma since I had no clue as to what would cause a kid to suddenly lose their hair. She said it could be ringworm and to take him in. I wasn't convinced because there was no rash or anything....just nice clean scalp. But we went in just to be safe....didn't really want all the kids to start losing their hair.  Thankfully he is not contagious.........unfortunately the Dr thinks its Alopecia Areata. Its a skin condition that causes hair loss. At the moment it is just a small spot the size of a dime or a nickel, it could get bigger or it could stay the same. Eventually it could grow back in and eventually he could get another bald spot. Its also possible that he could end up completely bald.  But at the moment I am not 100% convinced it is Alopecia. Its fine if it is and we are not going to make a big deal out of it, He is healthy and its just hair. There are lots of really good looking guys that are bald. And lets face it, if we look at it as being normal and not make a big deal of it then he wont make a big deal out of it too.  So we are just letting it be and going to see what happens.  And in all honesty.....there really is nothing we can do about it so why dwell on it.
If you want more info to read up on what Alopecia is here is a website:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


My family is really starting to enjoy getting out and visiting parks where we can go on nature hikes. I remember going hiking as a kid and really loved it so now I am passing that love on to my kids. Over the summer we tried to go on a few and next year we are hoping to go numerous times each month if not every weekend. This past weekend we headed over to Pine Lake State Park. It was a last minute trip and all we told the kids was to get in the car we had a suprise. We drove around and they kept trying to guess what the surprise was. Koda actually thought the surprise was driving around Eldora HAHAHA.  They were thrilled to discover that the surprise was a hiking trip.

First Day of School 2013

The School year has started for all three kiddos. I can't believe they are all in school now. Not exactly sure what I will be doing with my free time. Its been 7 1/2 yrs since I have had free time so I am really looking forward to it. Anyways here are the first day school pictures!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Lots of rain and scary looking storms this year.

And just because I think she is just to cute for words. My little Cowgirl!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Busy days of Summer

What a summer it has been for us. We have been going nonstop all summer long and every time we think we might get a few days to do NOTHING, something happens.  Koda started the summer excited for tball but ended up only having 3 games total. All the other games were cancelled due to storms or flooding. It was a complete mess out there but he had fun regardless!
There he is #5 at first base! Go Falcons!
Well the biggest mess for us was floods. We live on top of a hill but that didn't even save us. Nobody stays high and drive when 9 inches of rain gets dumped on you in a matter of hours. Even though we have a sump pump and a septic pump it wasn't enough to save the basement. The sump pump couldn't keep up and water started pouring in through the sump pump well. In a matter of just 10 minutes we had 4 inches of water covering our entire basement. Somehow we managed to save most of our items but all the new flooring that had just been put in was destroyed. Over $10,000 worth of damage. Ugh

Trust me, it could have been a whole lot worse. Thankfully the septic didn't back up and the septic pump and the sump pump kept pumping the entire time. It stopped the water from getting over 4 inches and it kept nasty sewage from entering the house....although the water that did enter through the sump was awful. It smelled like rotten eggs!

Shortly after the flood, we went to Storm Lake for the 4th of July and celebrated the girls birthday. We really had a good time and the girls had a blast. Wish we could have stayed there and never returned to the stinky flood mess. Oh well, it was nice to get away from it even though it was only for a short time.

The rest of the summer has been filled with super hot days and lots of work. We are slowly putting in the new flooring in the basement, which is in fact 100% waterproof.  Really don't want to have to ever replace it again.  The kids are trying to sneak in as much as possible while they can. School starts in a month and it really seems way to soon.



Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Its spring time and that means babies. Last night we picked up our baby ducks. The kids are so excited and with good reason. Currently these little cuties are in a tote in my bathroom but they will be moving out to their permanent home as soon as we get the heat lamps all set up in their brooding box. So for now the kids are enjoying their tiny little "pets".

 Vannah has been talking to these little babies nonstop, she even tries to quack like a mommy duck.


Monday, April 15, 2013

Crazy Days of Spring

Its been a long time since I have posted any pictures or info. Spring has finally come and there is 32 days left of school. We have so much going on right now and its making time seem to fly by. Anyways,  Koda got a trampoline for his birthday from the grandparents  but Cady is the one who has really been enjoying it.

Anyways, I am sure I will have more pictures next week after Koda's birthday. Can you believe my little boy is going to be 7 already. Doesn't seem possible.